Thursday, May 21, 2020
Sudan 1 - 1687 Words
SYNTHESIS OF 1-PHENYLAZO-2-NAPHTHOL ABSTRACT Amines are compounds composed of nitrogen atoms bearing alkyl or aromatic compounds. Amines undergo interesting reactions, one of which is with the reaction with nitrous acid producing an azo dye. In this study, the experiment focused on synthesizing an observing the physical properties of Sudan-1. Sudan-1 is of the most common dyes found in waxes, oils and in some food ingredients specifically curry and chilli powder. Furthermore, this study aimed to understand the mechanism behind the synthesis of 1-phenylazo-2-naphtol. To be able to synthesize Sudan-1, preparation of phenyldiazonium chloride solution and ÃŽ ²- naphthol solution were done. Ingrain dyeing was also done in this experiment. The†¦show more content†¦The main reaction that occurred in the preparation of phenyldiazonium chloride solution was diazotization reaction. Diazotization is the reaction between a primary aromatic amine and nitrous acid at cold temperatures to diazonium salt compound.[2] Figure 1 below is the reaction exhibited by the phenyldiazonium chloride solution. As this experiment aimed to synthesize Sudan-1, two steps are done. The first step would be the reaction of a primary aromatic amine to produce a diazonium salt as seen in Figure 1. The second step, then, is the reaction of the diazonium salt with a strongly activated aromatic syste,l known as coupling reactions. Azo coupling is the reaction between a diazonium compound and aniline, phenol or other aromatic compound which produces an azo compound.[5] In this experiment ÃŽ ²-naphthol couples with the diazonium salt. Figure 2 below shows the coupling reaction of the benzene diazonium chloride with ÃŽ ²-naphthol and having the product of Sudan-1. Furthermore, figure 3 below is the summary of reactions of the synthesis of Sudan-1 in this experiment. Figure 3 Summary of Reactions in Synthesizing Sudan-1 Figure 3 Summary of Reactions in Synthesizing Sudan-1 In this experiment, a filter paper was used to undergo ingrain dyeing. Ingrain dyeing is an irreversible chemical reaction of the diazonium salt solution and the activating aromatic solution. An orange-red filter paper was produced after such procedure. The presence ofShow MoreRelatedPaper 2 - the Growth of Contemporary Christianity in Sudan1584 Words  | 7 PagesCHRISTIANITY IN SUDAN PRESENTED TO PROFESSOR MARK NICKENS FOR CHHI 302 – DO1 BY REV. JOSEPH T. WHITAKER, III LU23755920 LIBERTY UNIVERSITY LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA NOVEMBER 29, 2014 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 NORTH SUDAN-----------Read MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1377 Words  | 6 PagesTerrorism in Sudan In the past, Sudan had been designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism regarding support for international terrorist groups. However, Sudan has changed its approach ever since the 9/11 attacks has been aiding the United States in diminishing the pervasiveness of terrorist groups in Sudan, and in the world. Recently, Sudan has remained cooperative with the United States in its war on counter terrorism. 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Although the Tutsis and the Hutus shared the same territory, language and religion, the Tutsis were considered the bourgeoisie, orRead MoreLoss of Life During the Darfur Conflict905 Words  | 4 Pageson something else, though the government thought that this will have happened anyway and denying all of their effort. History The Darfur Conflict took place in Sudan, Africa. Darfur is 170,000 miles; they have many volcanic high lands. They can get heavy rain fall. â€Å"(1)†The Marrah Mountains are one of their famous mountains in Darfur.†(1)†It was started by the government hitting a military base in 2003.†(3)†Before the military base hit the government was having some environmental issues. TheyRead MoreThese various groups are united in their desire for regime change – Sudanese people, who suffer800 Words  | 4 Pagesvoice of the people. Since its independence of 1956 to date, Sudan has witnessed 2 attempted revolutions to overthrow the regime. For years, the Sudanese population yearned for security and justice and a chance to take down the current authoritarian government. (, 2012) In 2011, South Sudan was established after a referendum. The people were dissatisfied with the split due to social and economic reasons. The oil of Sudan, is held within the South, after the separation, it was announcedRead MoreEnglish essay1224 Words  | 5 Pagesthe auger, the eye my father shut to keep his sight. Under my bed was a dress box spilling old pictures, a sift of lost faces to drift beneath my dreams. . Transition: This poem inspired me to write my own poem about when I was living in Sudan, which was the biggest country in Africa at that time. Out of all the countries I’ve lived in or visited, I noticed that most of my memories always come from Africa. My poem: The heat of Africa The day was as hot as ten thousandsRead MoreCountry Information : South Sudan1527 Words  | 7 PagesCountry Information Located in central Africa, South Sudan is landlocked amid the countries of Sudan, Ethiopia, Congo, Kenya and the Central African Republic. It is a land of expansive grassland, swamps and tropical rain forests. The country is linguistically and ethnically very diverse. It is a home to more approximately 11 million people, 50.6% of whom are below the poverty line. It has a Gross Domestic Product (per capita) of $1,220. Commerce and infrastructure is extremely underdeveloped inRead MoreEssay about The Kingdom of Nubia: Modern Day Sudan939 Words  | 4 Pages Sudan, in ancient times was the kingdom of Nubia. Nubia was Egyptian, ruled around 2600 B.C. Sudan has had quite a diverse and interesting past shaping the country to what we now call Sudan. From the civil, war of the National Islamic Front and the People’s Liberation Army to the discovery of oil. Southern and Northern Sudan is rich in history, culture, and population diversity. I picked Sudan to learn more about my friends, and to put meaning to what they went through as United State refugees.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Biological Perspective On Homosexuality Essay
Cover Page One’s attraction to another can be led by many factors. Many may believe that feelings and emotions play a role, but could it be our genetic make-up determines our life partner? It is widely favored that homosexuality stems from one’s environment and the people around them. Although less favored, the theory that genetics plays a role in homosexuality is concrete. In agreeance, Heffner Johnson (2003) states the hypothalamus, a highly significant region of the brain, plays a role in sexuality. This theory is supported by evidence homosexual behaviors in young age (Bellamy, 2012). According to Heffner Johnson (2003), Darwin believed that sexual orientation is not a choice, it emerges from adolescence without prior sexual experience. Many experiments in the biological perspective have been done to support that nature plays a role in homosexuals. Biologist have found anatomical, genetic, and endocrine evidence in homosexuals. Alfred Kinsey was one of the first researchers to study homosexual behavior (Heffner Johnson, 2003). Alfred intention was to see how many people were engaged in homosexuality. In this study, participants replied â€Å"no†when using the term homosexual relations, but replied yes when asked have they have sex with the same gender. The findings in this study highlighted that 30% of the males had experienced same sex interaction (Heffenr Johnson, 2003). In 1957, the first psychological test regarding homosexuality was performedShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality From A Biological Perspective1118 Words  | 5 Pages Homosexuality from a Biological Perspective Justice X. Johnson Angelo State University Abstract Homosexuality has been around for centuries, maybe even since the beginning of human existence. Many individuals question why some people are gay and why others are not. Those that question humanity ask what exactly makes a person become attracted to the same sex and whether or not it is nature or nurture. There are three points to argue that homosexuality is natural and not byRead MoreTheories of Homosexuality849 Words  | 4 PagesTheories of Homosexuality Through the biological perspective of deviance, sociologists have linked homosexuality to hormones, genes and the brain (Taylor, Thio Schwartz, 2013). Hormonal theory does not describe a cause of homosexuality. Genetic Theory describes the cause of homosexuality as people being born gay. The brain theory is much more in depth about the cause of homosexuality. It states that the size of a person’s hypothalamus will cause them to be homosexual or not. Gay’s hypothalamusesRead MoreHomosexuality : What Causes Homosexuality?1404 Words  | 6 PagesCharizma Bush What causes homosexuality? During my abnormal psychology section in class something that stuck out to me was how homosexuality used to be a diagnosed disorder which is fascinating to me. Also the fact that sexual orientation is on a scale from 100% heterosexual to 100% homosexual and no one is fully either one. Knowing this I thought about the new national same-sex marriage law and how it brought up a lot of controversy recently that has been a struggle for years and years. There areRead MorePsychology And Science Of A Heterosexual And Homosexual Man Through The Course Of Nature Vs. Nurture1168 Words  | 5 Pagesstudies; Simon LeVay, Roselli, Hamers, Sanders, Hansen. The perception of whether homosexuality conforms to the course of nature vs. nurture can influence the amount of scrutiny judged upon affected individuals. So, the purpose of this extended essay is to answer the research question of to what extent is there a biological basis with neurological structurally, genetically, hormonally, and prenatal ly behind male homosexuality and how an individual’s perception of this fact influences their behavior towardsRead MoreEssay about The Homosexual Brain?1502 Words  | 7 PagesQuayle said that homosexuality is more of a choice than a biological situation...It is a wrong choice. (1). Quayles statement counters the sentiment of many homosexuals that their sexual orientation is neither a lifestyle nor a personal choice, it is innate and unchangeable (2) . Is homosexuality a choice or does sexual preference have a biological basis? This question is at the forefront of academic, scientific, political, legal and media consciousness (3). The debate over homosexuality has influencedRead MoreHomosexuality As A Psychological Disorder1511 Words  | 7 PagesThe social argument for homosexuality dates back to the ancient Greeks. Aristophanes, in his Symposium investigates homosexuality, although not termed as such, as a desire by men to share a long-term fulfillment of the soul. H e believed that two souls are longing to be together, and the sexual desire alone is not strong enough to create homosexuality, but that the cultural environment allows or forbids the relationship to occur (Heffner, 2003). The debate about homosexuality dates back further thanRead MoreNo One Is Born Gay Or Straight, By Jane Ward843 Words  | 4 Pagesshe decided to have relationships with women, but when the advocacy groups started to pressure her, she changed her statement and said that she was probably born with other sexual desires. Researchers tend to believe that science can prove that biological factors play a role in gayness. However, Jane Ward reviewed the study of researchers form UC Berkley, who conducted a study on women who have masculine hand structure, which indicates to them that changes their sexual orientation. There are womenRead MoreEssay about Sexual Orientation1077 Words  | 5 Pagesconsidered highly controversial in our world today. There are many issues that society is faced with concerning homosexuality. When thinking of homosexuality most people refer to the Bible for an answer. There is even more controversy within the Bible’s text. Not only is there reference to the Bible, but also to our mind to answer whether or not homosexuality is a moral issue. Psychological and Biological research is searching for an answer to this illustrious area of confusion. According to Shakuntala DelviRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Psychodynamic Approaches, Trait, Learning, Biological And Evolutionary, And Humanistic Approaches1279 Words  | 6 Pagespersonality approaches to personality. This includes subjects of Psychodynamic Approaches, Trait, Learning, Biological and Evolutionary, and Humanistic Approaches. The second subject discussed is how binge eating becomes the abnormal behavior or the eating disorder called Bulimia Nervosa. How there are other abnormal behaviors associated with the disorder as well. The last subject discussed is homosexuality in terms whenever it was taken from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Read MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal And The Normalization Of Homosexuality1422 Words  | 6 Pagesmarriage. However despite gay marriage becoming legal and the normalization of homosexuality, the LGBQT community continues to face scrutiny over their lifestyle. I will be talking about the various conflicts the community faced in the past and continues to face in the present. And the various sociological concepts that links as to why homosexuality is seen by society as deviance , such as the Functionalist perspective and Socialization. According to the American Psychological Association, the
A Day In Court Free Essays
Professor Brian D. Heffner 7 December 2012 A Day In Criminal Court This week I had the opportunity to sit In on criminal court proceedings. I chose to visit the Oakland County Court House for the day and noticed quite a few things through out the whole experience. We will write a custom essay sample on A Day In Court or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have been to a few courts In the past, criminal, traffic, and family, but never In the Oakland County bulldlng. There were many details of the proceedings, the Image, and even the condltlons of everything from the bulldlng Itself to the people Involved that I found particularly Interesting. The first thing I hought when I entered the bulldlng was that It was not crowded. In previous vlslts to troy courts the place was packed, let alone confusing. This courthouse was different. The hallways were very modern and clean and it felt fresh to me, not dark and dismal like it could have been. (l guess I have to also consider that I didn’ t have any charges against me so I wasn? t entering the building expecting to hate being there) I was surprised by the security measures. It seemed as if it was too easy to get through. I expected to have three or four metal detectors lined up for a big crowd, but there was only one. Right away I got the sense that the size of the building was not reflective of the amount of cases per day it accommodates. After speaking with one of the guards I was referred to the criminal court room rather than the family court, due to what he called a more interesting day.? . The courtroom itself I thought was way too small. There were only two and a half rows for people to sit and watch, forcing many people to have to wait outside. That I thought was not a well thought out design. There is tons of extra hallway space that they could have stretched the room out to make it bigger so you wouldn’t run into those kinds of problems. The room also had extravagant fixtures hanging from the ceiling. I don’t really understand the purpose of them, they may even have been lights, but they Just looked like a waste of money. I dont think they serve any other reason than to look pretty, and if that’s the case, they could have spent the money on the room extension. That’s Just my opinion of the building; another thing that struck me was the people involved. As I looked around the court room, I saw lawyers, citizens, guards, and of course the Judge. The Judge, I was informed, was the night Judge filling In for someone. I was warned by my buddy, the guard, that he would be sluggish, but I thought It flowed nicely. I must first speak of the lawyers because they bothered me the most. These lawyers were slobs! I realize that you may not make a whole lot of money being a public defender, but you could at least dress appropriately. One of these lawyers had his whole hem hanging out with string following him everywhere. This guys pants were wrinkled and his hair completely void of any type of brushing. I would never hire any one that looked Ilke that. and I would be scared If I had him assigned to me. Another lawyer, a woman this time, was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. Before she even came in the wanted a new lawyer because she was as dizzy. When she walked in I realized they had made a huge understatement. This woman had the most disgusting mess of hair on top of her head and she kept scratching it. It was like a huge crimped, teased, knotty mess. I couldn’t believe that she would walk into a courtroom like that. Oh my God she was a mess! I don’t understand how she could represent anyone looking like that. There was only one professional looking lawyer and he was the prosecutor. Everyone else looked third rate compared to him. The other group of people I looked at was the criminals. There was definitely a mixed group of people there. There was one lady in her 40’s that was wearing a long fur coat and all the Jewelry in the world, and you could Just tell she was ashamed to be there. Her husband wouldn’t even sit in the courtroom with her. I really would have loved to know what she did wrong, but with all the bench conversation you never got to hear her crime, Just her dismissal. Another guy that had charges against him wasn’t even allowed in the courtroom ecause he didn’t have the right shoes. I thought that was completely unfair. He was outside the courtroom explaining that he didn’t have any money to buy good shoes for the day, but they still wouldn’t let him in. I guess all this stuff has been pretty superficial, but what really bothered me was how each of the cases was handled. I always thought that the public could view any courtroom proceeding, but I felt extremely short changed. In fact I think it was unfair to the criminals as well. It seemed like every case was decided at the bench before even saying what the charges were. I know I sat through three hours of court and left only knowing what two of the cases was really about. When the incarcerated people were brought out it looked like they were clueless as to what was going on, because they couldn’t hear any of it. They looked shocked sometimes when hearing the decisions as if they didn’t know what was happening to them. I know that I was shocked when I heard some of the verdicts because I had no idea what the crime was For the most part they Just announced codes not allowing the common person to understand a thing they’re talking about. After every decision the lawyer had to break it down to their own words to the clients. That annoyed me so much. I was also disgusted with one case in particular where they actually did describe the crime. A man and a woman had both committed armed robbery and in the process hospitalized two victims. Their lawyer had the nerve to ask for $1000 bail for the two of them, pointing out the families of each of the criminals in the courtroom, explaining that they both had newborns to take care of. This lawyer had a 6 year old child in the courtroom to hear his father receive a $50, 000 bail. I Just think that was wrong. The lawyer knew there was no way in the world he was getting his client off, the guy had a rap sheet longer than the Bible from 4 different states, but he chose to put that kid through that. I don’t get that. I guess overall my court experience was a pretty good learning experience. I learned to appreciate my lawyer a 100 times more Just for his wardrobe alone. I learned that you always need appropriate shoes even if your clothes are as crappy as ever. I learned that the city of Oakland County prefers style to space accommodations, and most importantly I learned that is cheaper to obey the law than to break it. How to cite A Day In Court, Papers
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