Monday, August 24, 2020
Capstone Case Study †Arthur Andersen LLP Essay
1. Talk about the natural, vital and authoritative changes that happened over the life of Andersen with regards to figure 11.1. While Andersen began as a steady domain, when changes began being made to the principle focal point of the organization numerous progressions were sped up. While still effective in it’s reviewing business, different open doors emerged that took into consideration speedier and progressively powerful income development. This vital move from reviewing just to offering various different administrations (robotized accounting, data innovations, counseling, corporate staffing) in the long run prompted a crack inside the organization, the division of tasks into two organizations under one umbrella, and the in the end severance of those two organizations into two completely separate corporate elements. When the two organizations (Andersen Consulting and Arthur Anderson) split, Arthur Andersen, which was initially the reviewing just arm, yet had plunged once again into the counseling industry despite the fact that it ought not have per it’s concurrence with AC, went full power into offering the full scope of administrations. In the journey for the greatest deal and to drive non-review income, directors were remunerated dependent on deals focuses rather than execution or nature of work. This absence of value control and change in the focal point of the business was the start of the descending projection of AA. The way that there were changes in each of the three zones, ecological, vital and hierarchical, made it hard for there to be tight control at AA and nearly settled on it adequate to settle on faulty choices as long as the customers got what they needed and incomes kept on coming in. 2. Assess Andersen’s guarantee that their issues on the Enron review were because of a couple â€Å"bad partners†in the association. On the off chance that you concur with this case, talk about what you believe were the main drivers of the issue. It was AA’s choice to enlist 40 inspectors from Enron, at that point expanded by 150 ofâ their own staff, and spot them inside Enron as it’s in house bookkeeping staff. Since the staff was nearby at Enron, went to Enron gatherings, and settled on choices to the greatest advantage of Enron and not with accomplishing quality work, it is difficult to take confidence in AA’s guarantee that it was just a couple â€Å"bad partners†. Likewise, AA settled on the choice to separate it’s own Professional Standards Group and re-find individuals from that gathering to neighborhood workplaces. When that occur however, their capacity was usurped and held no water. In the event that they addressed choices, they were evacuated. It is dependent upon the organization to settle on choices that help produce business, yet shield the organization and it’s workers from any faulty circumstances or conditions where exploitative situations may play out. 3. Assume you were Andersen’s overseeing accomplice in the mid 1990’s. OK have done anything any other way than the genuine administration (expecting you knew just what they did at that point)? There are a few things that I could have done had I been the overseeing accomplice for Andersen in the 1990’s. I think the partition of the counseling industry and the bookkeeping business into two organizations was really a decent move. The way that AA in the end began to offer and follow non-reviewing administrations business with customers was the place a slip-up was made as I would like to think. On the off chance that I were an accomplice at AA I would have carefully implemented the understanding that we would be staying with examining business as it were. While offering a lower edge than the counseling industry, it was a strong establishment and permitted more oversight, tight controls and diminished the probability that faulty choices would be made. I likewise would have kept the Professional Standards Group in class to supervise and survey all parts of the activity. Separating the gathering and doling out individual individuals to neighborhood workplaces fundamentally fixed their capacity and took into consideration those hoping to control the framework to do as such. 4. Talk about the connection between what occurred at Andersen and perform multiple tasks head operator hypothesis. With the Multi-Task Agent Theory, certain errands are compensated and other tasksâ are not, and as a result of this the non-remunerated undertakings experience the ill effects of disregard of an abatement in quality. The first run through this was an issue is was before the split into two organizations, where those driving the counseling and IT business were discontent with the way that the examining side had such a great amount of control over the organization despite the fact that it was not the section driving the income. After the possible split into AC and AA under one umbrella, and afterward the all out split into two separate enterprises, with Andersen getting business other than evaluating was compensated more than inspecting business, to the point that it was expect that overseeing accomplices acquired twice as much counseling and different business as it did reviewing business, in any case face punishments or even end. In every one of the three phases of the company’s history the disparity between the counseling industry and the inspecting business prompted there being a de-accentuation on the evaluating portion of the business (both in quality and as a driver of income). 5. Talk about the connection between the â€Å"hard†and â€Å"soft†components of a firm’s corporate culture with regards to this case. On account of Andersen, it nearly appears as though the adjustments in the â€Å"soft†components of corporate culture were either straightforwardly identified with or a symptom of progress in the â€Å"hard†parts of the corporate culture. As expressed for the situation study, during most of the company’s presence, â€Å"tradition was everywhere†. From â€Å"soft†components like the physical structure of workplaces and the manner in which accomplices dressed and looked to hard components like the quality control applied over all parts of the business, there were standard the whole way across the board. As changes began to occur in the â€Å"hard†culture, similar to the attention being on driving income instead of putting out quality work, changes were likewise found in the delicate parts of the way of life. Overseeing accomplices didn't dress as sharp, the monsters wooden entryways of the workplaces (that appeared to be a representation for the solid, strong activity of the organization) were expelled, and another corporate logo was presented. 6. Do you imagine that the issues at Andersen were one of a kind to them or did they exist at the other enormous bookkeeping firms? Assume you were the top accomplice at one of the other significant bookkeeping firms around then of Andersen’s destruction. What activity, assuming any, OK take accordingly? Clarify. As demonstrated when Andersen themselves raised doubt about the acts of one of it’s contenders (requiring an examination), these issues at Andersen are not extraordinary to their organization (however it may not occur on as fantastic of a scale). On the off chance that I was the top accomplice at one of the other significant bookkeeping firms at the hour of Andersen’s downfall, I would have quickly either required an inner examination of my firm’s practices or elected to have my company’s rehearses evaluated by the SEC or another fitting power. I would open up to what was discovered, roll out any important improvements to authoritative structure or practices, and push ahead. I figure this would be significant on the grounds that at the hour of Andersen’s downfall, it is likely the validity of ALL bookkeeping firms was harmed, and I would need there is to be verification that our organization was doing things the correct way. 7. In 2000, the SEC proposed new guidelines that would constrain counseling work by bookkeeping firms. This proposition was not passed by congress. Do you think the lawmakers were attempting to act in the open intrigue when they neglected to pass this proposition? Clarify. Lawmakers were not acting in the public’s eventual benefits; they were bowing to pressure from the inspecting business lobbyists. Steve Samek, who led activities that as of now lead claims, payouts, liquidations and fines, drove the charge to restrict the proposition. By then it ought to have been clear that the correct consider was passing the proposition. The way that diverse enactment identified with the oversight of bookkeeping firms was in the end passed later on in 2002 (the SOA) shows that oversight was essential, however simply required a fabulous disappointment like Andersen/Enron to permit administrators to feel great in standing firm. 8. The American Institute of CPAs is the essential expert relationship for CPAs. It has built up a Code of Professional Conduct that sets theâ standards of direct for CPAs. Individuals can document grievances about the moral direct of a CPA with the AICPA, which can demand sanctions and different punishments against its individuals. Do you imagine that the exploitative lead at Andersen (and potentially other bookkeeping firms) was the flaw of the AICPA for not setting and authorizing higher moral standard among its individuals? Clarify. While I think the AICPA has a spot in setting guidelines and morals in the business, and has the option to collect endorses and punishments against it’s individuals (in view of grumblings that are documented), they are not an administrative organization and their arrive at just broadens up until now. In all actuality, being a part association, if a company wouldn't like to manage or reply to the AICPA, they and decide not to be a part. It might hurt their notoriety, however over the long haul the work they do and the customers they have will have an a lot more noteworthy impact of their business than whether they are an individual from the AICPA. While it is ideal to have associations like the AICPA and the SEC sitting above the acts of enterprises in the business, it is difficult to move shortcoming for the dishonest conduct of an organization away from the organization that carried on that was to some part association or administrative office. It is the association or agency’s spot to set rules and react w
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pearl Essays (330 words) - The Pearl, Pearl, La Perla, Kino
Pearl This book is about a pearl jumper named Kino. He and his significant other and child are a poor family. At the point when his child turns out to be sick, Kino takes to the ocean on a journey to discover some approach to spare his child. He finds a magnificant pearl. Kino and his better half belive that they will be wealthly and live the remainder of their lives in joy, however when Kino visits the nearby pearl handlers, he feels the costs which they offer him are over the top and won't sell. Kino takes his family and together they set out traveling to Mexico City, where Kino accepts he will show signs of improvement cost for his shocking pearl. Because of the way that the pearl sellers are so fixated on Kino's pearl, they send a gathering of trackers after them. The trackers trap them halfway up a stone face and one of the men shoots Kinos child, mortally injuring him. Kino and his significant other profit to their home for the sea shore and Kino tosses the pearl over into the ocean from where it came. Kino, the hero, is a solid willed, if difficult, man. He will not sell the mischievous pearl vendors his valuble pearl in spite of the fact that he frantically needs the cash. He does this since he feels emphatically that what the men are doing to him isn't right, and he won't surrender to that. The primary thought of the story is that beneficial things can have terrible impacts. While its aims were acceptable, the pearl realized the destruction of the hero. Because of the covetousness of the pearl vendors, and somewhat becasue of Kino's own desire for riches, his child is slaughtered and he loses nearly all that he possesses. I beleive this was a generally excellent book. I appreciated the assortment and shading with which Stienbeck depicted his characters. The story itself was elegantly composed and I felt near the fundamental characters of the book. English Essays
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Reasons Why You Should Consider Quitting Smoking
Reasons Why You Should Consider Quitting Smoking Addiction Nicotine Use Print Reasons Why You Should Consider Quitting Smoking By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Sanja Jelic, MD on August 22, 2016 Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine. Learn about our Medical Review Board Sanja Jelic, MD Updated on February 05, 2018 More in Addiction Nicotine Use After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery When asked about the advantages of quitting tobacco, most smokers will talk about the health benefits and perhaps money saved. There is no doubt that both have a significant impact on our lives after cigarettes, but there are more improvements coming after you stub out that last cigarette. Ask an ex-smoker about the benefits he or she has experienced since quitting. You might be surprised at what they have to say. Top 5 Things to Know About Why You Should Quit Smoking 1. The benefits far outweigh the work it takes to quit smoking. The sense of inner strength and belief in our ability to accomplish challenging goals grows immeasurably. Quitting tobacco for most people represents an out of reach dream weve carried with us for many years. Learning that we are indeed strong enough and worthy a life free of addiction opens doors long closed. Ex-smokers often take on a sport they always wanted to do, change course in their careers, or go back to school. Smoking cessation is a life-changer. Youll see. 2. The odds are against you if you dont quit. If you are a lifetime smoker, your risk of dying a tobacco-related death is about 50 percent. Additionally, on average, lifetime smokers lose 10 years of life over those who dont smoke. 480,000 lives are lost to tobacco in the United States every year, and six million die of tobacco-related deaths worldwide annually. However, if you quit smoking before your 40th birthday, youll reduce your risk of dying from a smoking-related disease by 90 percent. 3. Fewer people are smoking today in the U.S. than ever before. In 2005, 21 out of every 100 people over the age of 18 (20.9 percent) smoked in the United States. By 2014, that number had dropped to 17 per 100 adults (16.8 percent/40 million smokers), and continues to go down. We can thank aggressive anti-smoking legislation and campaigns for nudging American smokers in the right direction. Theyve educated us about the hazards associated with tobacco use, but in countries without this advantage, smoking rates are much higher. There are one billion smokers around the world today. Eighty percent of them live in low and middle income countries. 4. Quitting smoking isnt as hard as you think. Yes, it takes work and yes, it takes some time. That said, the hard part happens early on, and with some education about whats ahead and the support to get through it, youll be pleasantly surprised that recovery from nicotine addiction is doable and a finite task. You wont always miss smoking. 5. Every smoker is afraid to quit smoking. Nicotine addiction compels us to continue smoking long after we want to stop. We think about quitting daily, but then the fear of letting go sets in and we put it off. The fact is, no matter when you quit, youll feel that fear every smoker is familiar with. Push through it and move forward. Your anxiety will dissipate with a little time invested in smoking cessation. Important Facts About Tobacco Use When thinking about quitting, it helps to consider some of the key facts about how tobacco affects the lives of smokers. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death. If smoking rates continue as they are now, an estimated eight million lives around the world will be lost to tobacco use annually by 2030.For every person who dies a smoking-related death, 30 or more people are living with a smoking-related disease.The most common smoking-related causes of death for smokers are heart disease, COPD, stroke, and cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide, claiming 1.4 million souls each year. Approximately 80 percent of them are caused by smoking.Similarly, 80 percent of COPD deaths are smoking-related.Light smokers (those who smoke 10 or less cigarettes a day) reduce their life expectancy by about five years and increase their risk of lung cancer by 20 times compared to people who have never smoked. Those who smoke just one to four cigarettes a day still have a risk of developing lung cancer thats five times greater than never-smokers. Getting Started With Smoking Cessation Think about why you want to quit smoking, and commit those reasons to paper and to memory. Start with the big, obvious reasons, and keep going until youve listed all of the little ones, too. Smoking touches so many parts of our lives. Look at how it has affected yours in detail. Learn what smoking cessation involves. Most smokers think quitting should be a relatively straightforward (and quick) task. Those who have one or more quit attempts under their belts know thats not true, but its easy to get stuck in thinking well always be miserable without cigarettes. Knowledge put into action is power. Stay in the present moment. Sounds simple, but it isnt for most of us. We live our lives looking back or ahead, ignoring the day were experiencing right now. You will be able to cope with the ups and downs of recovery from nicotine addiction more easily if you develop the ability to shut down thoughts of missing smoking (looking back) or the fear of never smoking again (looking ahead). Keep it simple and deal with the day you have in front of you. Its where your power to change exists. Recovery is a gradual process. Make each day count. Thats all you can do, and guess what? Its enough. A Word From Verywell You might think you love smoking, but the truth is more about addiction than it is about a fondness for cigarettes. That edgy feeling when the nicotine in our blood needs replenishing is at the root of what we think of as smoking pleasure. And, over time, we learn to connect smoking with most of the daily activities and events in our lives until we come to believe that cigarettes help us cope with just about everything. Change the faulty programming cigarettes forced on you and build the smoke-free life youve been dreaming of. Its worth the work and will reward you with benefits you have yet to discover.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Sudan 1 - 1687 Words
SYNTHESIS OF 1-PHENYLAZO-2-NAPHTHOL ABSTRACT Amines are compounds composed of nitrogen atoms bearing alkyl or aromatic compounds. Amines undergo interesting reactions, one of which is with the reaction with nitrous acid producing an azo dye. In this study, the experiment focused on synthesizing an observing the physical properties of Sudan-1. Sudan-1 is of the most common dyes found in waxes, oils and in some food ingredients specifically curry and chilli powder. Furthermore, this study aimed to understand the mechanism behind the synthesis of 1-phenylazo-2-naphtol. To be able to synthesize Sudan-1, preparation of phenyldiazonium chloride solution and ÃŽ ²- naphthol solution were done. Ingrain dyeing was also done in this experiment. The†¦show more content†¦The main reaction that occurred in the preparation of phenyldiazonium chloride solution was diazotization reaction. Diazotization is the reaction between a primary aromatic amine and nitrous acid at cold temperatures to diazonium salt compound.[2] Figure 1 below is the reaction exhibited by the phenyldiazonium chloride solution. As this experiment aimed to synthesize Sudan-1, two steps are done. The first step would be the reaction of a primary aromatic amine to produce a diazonium salt as seen in Figure 1. The second step, then, is the reaction of the diazonium salt with a strongly activated aromatic syste,l known as coupling reactions. Azo coupling is the reaction between a diazonium compound and aniline, phenol or other aromatic compound which produces an azo compound.[5] In this experiment ÃŽ ²-naphthol couples with the diazonium salt. Figure 2 below shows the coupling reaction of the benzene diazonium chloride with ÃŽ ²-naphthol and having the product of Sudan-1. Furthermore, figure 3 below is the summary of reactions of the synthesis of Sudan-1 in this experiment. Figure 3 Summary of Reactions in Synthesizing Sudan-1 Figure 3 Summary of Reactions in Synthesizing Sudan-1 In this experiment, a filter paper was used to undergo ingrain dyeing. Ingrain dyeing is an irreversible chemical reaction of the diazonium salt solution and the activating aromatic solution. An orange-red filter paper was produced after such procedure. The presence ofShow MoreRelatedPaper 2 - the Growth of Contemporary Christianity in Sudan1584 Words  | 7 PagesCHRISTIANITY IN SUDAN PRESENTED TO PROFESSOR MARK NICKENS FOR CHHI 302 – DO1 BY REV. JOSEPH T. 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My poem: The heat of Africa The day was as hot as ten thousandsRead MoreCountry Information : South Sudan1527 Words  | 7 PagesCountry Information Located in central Africa, South Sudan is landlocked amid the countries of Sudan, Ethiopia, Congo, Kenya and the Central African Republic. It is a land of expansive grassland, swamps and tropical rain forests. The country is linguistically and ethnically very diverse. It is a home to more approximately 11 million people, 50.6% of whom are below the poverty line. It has a Gross Domestic Product (per capita) of $1,220. Commerce and infrastructure is extremely underdeveloped inRead MoreEssay about The Kingdom of Nubia: Modern Day Sudan939 Words  | 4 Pages Sudan, in ancient times was the kingdom of Nubia. Nubia was Egyptian, ruled around 2600 B.C. Sudan has had quite a diverse and interesting past shaping the country to what we now call Sudan. From the civil, war of the National Islamic Front and the People’s Liberation Army to the discovery of oil. Southern and Northern Sudan is rich in history, culture, and population diversity. I picked Sudan to learn more about my friends, and to put meaning to what they went through as United State refugees.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Biological Perspective On Homosexuality Essay
Cover Page One’s attraction to another can be led by many factors. Many may believe that feelings and emotions play a role, but could it be our genetic make-up determines our life partner? It is widely favored that homosexuality stems from one’s environment and the people around them. Although less favored, the theory that genetics plays a role in homosexuality is concrete. In agreeance, Heffner Johnson (2003) states the hypothalamus, a highly significant region of the brain, plays a role in sexuality. This theory is supported by evidence homosexual behaviors in young age (Bellamy, 2012). According to Heffner Johnson (2003), Darwin believed that sexual orientation is not a choice, it emerges from adolescence without prior sexual experience. Many experiments in the biological perspective have been done to support that nature plays a role in homosexuals. Biologist have found anatomical, genetic, and endocrine evidence in homosexuals. Alfred Kinsey was one of the first researchers to study homosexual behavior (Heffner Johnson, 2003). Alfred intention was to see how many people were engaged in homosexuality. In this study, participants replied â€Å"no†when using the term homosexual relations, but replied yes when asked have they have sex with the same gender. The findings in this study highlighted that 30% of the males had experienced same sex interaction (Heffenr Johnson, 2003). In 1957, the first psychological test regarding homosexuality was performedShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality From A Biological Perspective1118 Words  | 5 Pages Homosexuality from a Biological Perspective Justice X. Johnson Angelo State University Abstract Homosexuality has been around for centuries, maybe even since the beginning of human existence. Many individuals question why some people are gay and why others are not. Those that question humanity ask what exactly makes a person become attracted to the same sex and whether or not it is nature or nurture. There are three points to argue that homosexuality is natural and not byRead MoreTheories of Homosexuality849 Words  | 4 PagesTheories of Homosexuality Through the biological perspective of deviance, sociologists have linked homosexuality to hormones, genes and the brain (Taylor, Thio Schwartz, 2013). Hormonal theory does not describe a cause of homosexuality. Genetic Theory describes the cause of homosexuality as people being born gay. The brain theory is much more in depth about the cause of homosexuality. It states that the size of a person’s hypothalamus will cause them to be homosexual or not. Gay’s hypothalamusesRead MoreHomosexuality : What Causes Homosexuality?1404 Words  | 6 PagesCharizma Bush What causes homosexuality? During my abnormal psychology section in class something that stuck out to me was how homosexuality used to be a diagnosed disorder which is fascinating to me. Also the fact that sexual orientation is on a scale from 100% heterosexual to 100% homosexual and no one is fully either one. Knowing this I thought about the new national same-sex marriage law and how it brought up a lot of controversy recently that has been a struggle for years and years. There areRead MorePsychology And Science Of A Heterosexual And Homosexual Man Through The Course Of Nature Vs. Nurture1168 Words  | 5 Pagesstudies; Simon LeVay, Roselli, Hamers, Sanders, Hansen. The perception of whether homosexuality conforms to the course of nature vs. nurture can influence the amount of scrutiny judged upon affected individuals. So, the purpose of this extended essay is to answer the research question of to what extent is there a biological basis with neurological structurally, genetically, hormonally, and prenatal ly behind male homosexuality and how an individual’s perception of this fact influences their behavior towardsRead MoreEssay about The Homosexual Brain?1502 Words  | 7 PagesQuayle said that homosexuality is more of a choice than a biological situation...It is a wrong choice. (1). Quayles statement counters the sentiment of many homosexuals that their sexual orientation is neither a lifestyle nor a personal choice, it is innate and unchangeable (2) . Is homosexuality a choice or does sexual preference have a biological basis? This question is at the forefront of academic, scientific, political, legal and media consciousness (3). The debate over homosexuality has influencedRead MoreHomosexuality As A Psychological Disorder1511 Words  | 7 PagesThe social argument for homosexuality dates back to the ancient Greeks. Aristophanes, in his Symposium investigates homosexuality, although not termed as such, as a desire by men to share a long-term fulfillment of the soul. H e believed that two souls are longing to be together, and the sexual desire alone is not strong enough to create homosexuality, but that the cultural environment allows or forbids the relationship to occur (Heffner, 2003). The debate about homosexuality dates back further thanRead MoreNo One Is Born Gay Or Straight, By Jane Ward843 Words  | 4 Pagesshe decided to have relationships with women, but when the advocacy groups started to pressure her, she changed her statement and said that she was probably born with other sexual desires. Researchers tend to believe that science can prove that biological factors play a role in gayness. However, Jane Ward reviewed the study of researchers form UC Berkley, who conducted a study on women who have masculine hand structure, which indicates to them that changes their sexual orientation. There are womenRead MoreEssay about Sexual Orientation1077 Words  | 5 Pagesconsidered highly controversial in our world today. There are many issues that society is faced with concerning homosexuality. When thinking of homosexuality most people refer to the Bible for an answer. There is even more controversy within the Bible’s text. Not only is there reference to the Bible, but also to our mind to answer whether or not homosexuality is a moral issue. Psychological and Biological research is searching for an answer to this illustrious area of confusion. According to Shakuntala DelviRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Psychodynamic Approaches, Trait, Learning, Biological And Evolutionary, And Humanistic Approaches1279 Words  | 6 Pagespersonality approaches to personality. This includes subjects of Psychodynamic Approaches, Trait, Learning, Biological and Evolutionary, and Humanistic Approaches. The second subject discussed is how binge eating becomes the abnormal behavior or the eating disorder called Bulimia Nervosa. How there are other abnormal behaviors associated with the disorder as well. The last subject discussed is homosexuality in terms whenever it was taken from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Read MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal And The Normalization Of Homosexuality1422 Words  | 6 Pagesmarriage. However despite gay marriage becoming legal and the normalization of homosexuality, the LGBQT community continues to face scrutiny over their lifestyle. I will be talking about the various conflicts the community faced in the past and continues to face in the present. And the various sociological concepts that links as to why homosexuality is seen by society as deviance , such as the Functionalist perspective and Socialization. According to the American Psychological Association, the
A Day In Court Free Essays
Professor Brian D. Heffner 7 December 2012 A Day In Criminal Court This week I had the opportunity to sit In on criminal court proceedings. I chose to visit the Oakland County Court House for the day and noticed quite a few things through out the whole experience. We will write a custom essay sample on A Day In Court or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have been to a few courts In the past, criminal, traffic, and family, but never In the Oakland County bulldlng. There were many details of the proceedings, the Image, and even the condltlons of everything from the bulldlng Itself to the people Involved that I found particularly Interesting. The first thing I hought when I entered the bulldlng was that It was not crowded. In previous vlslts to troy courts the place was packed, let alone confusing. This courthouse was different. The hallways were very modern and clean and it felt fresh to me, not dark and dismal like it could have been. (l guess I have to also consider that I didn’ t have any charges against me so I wasn? t entering the building expecting to hate being there) I was surprised by the security measures. It seemed as if it was too easy to get through. I expected to have three or four metal detectors lined up for a big crowd, but there was only one. Right away I got the sense that the size of the building was not reflective of the amount of cases per day it accommodates. After speaking with one of the guards I was referred to the criminal court room rather than the family court, due to what he called a more interesting day.? . The courtroom itself I thought was way too small. There were only two and a half rows for people to sit and watch, forcing many people to have to wait outside. That I thought was not a well thought out design. There is tons of extra hallway space that they could have stretched the room out to make it bigger so you wouldn’t run into those kinds of problems. The room also had extravagant fixtures hanging from the ceiling. I don’t really understand the purpose of them, they may even have been lights, but they Just looked like a waste of money. I dont think they serve any other reason than to look pretty, and if that’s the case, they could have spent the money on the room extension. That’s Just my opinion of the building; another thing that struck me was the people involved. As I looked around the court room, I saw lawyers, citizens, guards, and of course the Judge. The Judge, I was informed, was the night Judge filling In for someone. I was warned by my buddy, the guard, that he would be sluggish, but I thought It flowed nicely. I must first speak of the lawyers because they bothered me the most. These lawyers were slobs! I realize that you may not make a whole lot of money being a public defender, but you could at least dress appropriately. One of these lawyers had his whole hem hanging out with string following him everywhere. This guys pants were wrinkled and his hair completely void of any type of brushing. I would never hire any one that looked Ilke that. and I would be scared If I had him assigned to me. Another lawyer, a woman this time, was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. Before she even came in the wanted a new lawyer because she was as dizzy. When she walked in I realized they had made a huge understatement. This woman had the most disgusting mess of hair on top of her head and she kept scratching it. It was like a huge crimped, teased, knotty mess. I couldn’t believe that she would walk into a courtroom like that. Oh my God she was a mess! I don’t understand how she could represent anyone looking like that. There was only one professional looking lawyer and he was the prosecutor. Everyone else looked third rate compared to him. The other group of people I looked at was the criminals. There was definitely a mixed group of people there. There was one lady in her 40’s that was wearing a long fur coat and all the Jewelry in the world, and you could Just tell she was ashamed to be there. Her husband wouldn’t even sit in the courtroom with her. I really would have loved to know what she did wrong, but with all the bench conversation you never got to hear her crime, Just her dismissal. Another guy that had charges against him wasn’t even allowed in the courtroom ecause he didn’t have the right shoes. I thought that was completely unfair. He was outside the courtroom explaining that he didn’t have any money to buy good shoes for the day, but they still wouldn’t let him in. I guess all this stuff has been pretty superficial, but what really bothered me was how each of the cases was handled. I always thought that the public could view any courtroom proceeding, but I felt extremely short changed. In fact I think it was unfair to the criminals as well. It seemed like every case was decided at the bench before even saying what the charges were. I know I sat through three hours of court and left only knowing what two of the cases was really about. When the incarcerated people were brought out it looked like they were clueless as to what was going on, because they couldn’t hear any of it. They looked shocked sometimes when hearing the decisions as if they didn’t know what was happening to them. I know that I was shocked when I heard some of the verdicts because I had no idea what the crime was For the most part they Just announced codes not allowing the common person to understand a thing they’re talking about. After every decision the lawyer had to break it down to their own words to the clients. That annoyed me so much. I was also disgusted with one case in particular where they actually did describe the crime. A man and a woman had both committed armed robbery and in the process hospitalized two victims. Their lawyer had the nerve to ask for $1000 bail for the two of them, pointing out the families of each of the criminals in the courtroom, explaining that they both had newborns to take care of. This lawyer had a 6 year old child in the courtroom to hear his father receive a $50, 000 bail. I Just think that was wrong. The lawyer knew there was no way in the world he was getting his client off, the guy had a rap sheet longer than the Bible from 4 different states, but he chose to put that kid through that. I don’t get that. I guess overall my court experience was a pretty good learning experience. I learned to appreciate my lawyer a 100 times more Just for his wardrobe alone. I learned that you always need appropriate shoes even if your clothes are as crappy as ever. I learned that the city of Oakland County prefers style to space accommodations, and most importantly I learned that is cheaper to obey the law than to break it. How to cite A Day In Court, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Sun Also Rises Essays (450 words) - The Sun Also Rises
The Sun Also Rises The Sun Also Rises I finished reading SAR around ten o'clock tonight. I could have taken it all in one big gulp when I began a week ago, but I couldn't do that. It wanted me to bring it out slowly, so I often found myself reading five or ten pages and laying it aside to absorb without engulfing. A man gets used to reading Star Wars and pulp fiction and New York Times Bestsellers and forgets what literature is until it slaps him in the face. This book was written, not churned out or word-processed. Again, I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I never noticed it until it was brought up in class, maybe because it wasn't a point for me in In Our Time, but He doesn't often enough credit quotations with, ",he said," or, ",said Brett," or, ",Bill replied." In SAR it stood and called attention to itself. I wasn't particularly bothered by His not telling me who said what, but it was very...pointed. I first noticed around the hundredth page or so. Then I realized I couldn't keep track of who was speaking. By not dwelling on it, though, sort of (hate to say this) accepting it, I managed to assign speech to whomever I felt was speaking. Gradually I came to enjoy it, in another plane of reading, figuring out from whom words were originating. To not notice it, as if it were one of those annoying 3-D posters that you can't see until you make a concerted effort not to try and see, became simple - much like those 3-D pictures are once you know what not to look for. (I abhor ending sentences with prepositions...) His not telling was heightening to the story. It made things come even more alive. As a conversation that you're hearing at a nearby table in a restaurant, the exchanges flowed, with me as a more passive reader than in a story written to be read instead of lived. It has always been troubling for me to read a book with the knowledge that there are things I am supposed to be catching, but not quite. The fish in the pools and the allegory and analogy and symbolism aren't fond of me. Trying to see that the bull-fighters and their purity or lack and how it relates to Him as a writer surrounded by a universe of new fiction printed for the masses, that is all fine and well. The short sentences, the lack of qualifying, "he said"s and "she saids" and such, the tragedy of his love for Brett, those are the things I enjoy reading. Those are the reasons I read and the reasons a man like Him writes. There are stranger things, Horatio...or something like that. I believe Paul Simon read Hemingway at some point in his life.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Groupon Essays
Groupon Essays Groupon Essay Groupon Essay Critics where divided by Groupings decision to to sell because virtually vulnerable and they have no barriers to entry. As great as Group sounds they are facing a massive problem; their business model is easy to copy. Andrew Mason, the founder and CEO of Group estimates that there are over 2000 direct clones worldwide but he insists that there is only a handful there are relevant. The biggest threat to Groupings kingdom is Livingston, although significantly smaller than Group, which raised $40 million since launching in 2009. Livingston received its biggest boost when Amazon has decided to invest $175 million into the company. Despite the severe competition, Group does not seem concerned because they believe large-scale success demanded a degree of operational sophistication that few could match. Groupings unprecedented growth and success have mainly come from two factors: focus on local merchants and a self-imposed limits to a single promotion each day. This combination helped the company to deal with minimal scale and resources and thus to increase the attractiveness of its initially rather small community. The best choice Group made was to establish their business models by cities and offering eels from local merchants has increased their attractiveness for their early subscribers. Many local merchants have tight marketing budgets who are struggle to reach customers found the allure of an outsourced online promotion with no up-front expenses very compelling. This alone became the single source of success for Group. Many people first learned about Group through their family and friends. To encourage word of mouth Group offered $10 towards future purchases for each referral. : Group became very popular among young, well-educated, unmarried and relatively affluent customers. The main reason Group became appealing to consumers was that its saved them money as well as its convenience and variety. With Group offering deals locally, consumers are able to find fun and exciting activities locally without having to travel worldwide. Many consumers feel like a tourist in their own hometowns because they are able to try new thing through Group that they otherwise will never find. Merchants Behavior: The research provided in this case study shows that Group is indeed good for merchants, but in all fairness Group is not some miraculous one-size- its-all marketing tool and so no one should expect it to be so. Selected research shows that Group equips merchants with the technology and buzz to attract high caliber consumers. Consumers that, on average, spent 40% to 60% over face value of the any given voucher, and made repeat visits to the newly discovered merchant. Ninety-five percent of merchants said they would run another deal with Group -? granted the other 5% were significantly disappointed with their Group experience. Some merchant complaints included claims that Group deals cut into their margins significantly so as to leave them in losses, the overall customer experience deteriorated with the increased traffic created by the deal and that deals created confusions as to lead to a poor initial customer experience. That is the argument that Group is not good for merchants. In selected circumstances, Group is probably not the best marketing solution, but we do not believe that provides grounds to say Group is overall bad for merchants. On the contrary, the numbers show Group is an efficient and beneficial marketing tool. Quantitative Analysis: American Apparel, with the popular deal, sold many vouchers. The email address acquisition helped in increasing online revenue. Also American Apparel negotiated the contract with Group to give them much less than half of the revenue generated from the coupons. Considering all these factors and also some of the following assumptions, American Apparel landed in profits using the Group coupons. The assumptions made are: a. American Apparel said customers who purchased the $25 group-buy deal ended up spending an average of $70 (50+20) once they cashed in the deal. So, this end up in profitability. . Low return rates are key to profitability c. Ability of the promotion to pull in new customers also leads to profitability The assumed profitability of Group can be calculated as follows Number of vouchers sold = 133,000 As stated in the case, customers spent an average of $20 above the vouchers face value when cashing in the deal. Hence, the price per unit would be around $70 This gives the total revenue as = 133000* 70 = $ 9,310,000 TO avail the voucher, the customer should pick up a product Of minimum value of $50. This can be considered as fixed cost. So, the total cost can be even as = 50 Hence, profit of the American Apparel using the group Promotion can be given as 9,31 0,OHO In the case it is given that on an average customers had spent $20 more on their purchase and this is the key to the profits. So, in case, the customers had not spend that extra amount and had just availed the offer of $25 coupon, then the profits of American Apparel would be affected and hence the profit are sensitive to this assumption. Competitive Advantage: Yes, Group has a lot of competitors from well-known public companies, including all the heavy hitters. The largest of these competitors were Washington, D. C based Livingston. Though Livingston is significantly smaller than Group, it was also growing rapidly. For Example, in January 201 1 it got a big boost by promoting $20 Amazon gift cards at half off and nearly 1. 2 Million customers took the deal. Some other competitors tried to win merchants by offering lower fees or leverages to social media. The web heavyweights Google and Backbone also tried to give competition to Group by offering its own daily deals. But all the competitors efforts failed to hit Group. All the competitors have very similar approaches to Group. In some cases the user interface is indistinguishable because the Group interface has been copied over and over. Theres no brand loyalty in the business of Group. Its strictly a deal-by-deal business by definition. We expect competition to further drive the price per coupon down, and also drive down the number of coupons purchased per customer. But in case of Group, the price per coupon started to grow up which lead to slow failure of Group. From all the above arguments, though the Group has attracted any competitors, it does not have much competitive advantage for its growth. Group 2. 0: Group 2. Is a series of new initiatives offered by Group such as Group Stores, Group Now, Group VII and Group Rewards. One major difference between Group (1. 0) and Group 2. 0 is that Group 1. 0 relies on a push model a model that attracts customers by sending mass- emails regularly that highlight a few of Groupings current deals while Group 2. 0 relies on a pull model a model in which customers v isit Group through its website, APS or internet searches to find specific deals. My assessment of Group 2. 0 is that while it has its pros and cons, it will eventually become successful. Although launched well, the Group Stores initiative was not successful and shut down soon. However, the other initiatives: Group Now, Group VII and Group Rewards, show a lot potential. Group Now is a useful smartened app for customers who are looking for a particular product or service immediately. The app helps customers find current and nearby Group deals. Group VII is an initiative that rewards VII members with access to deals earlier than non; embers as well as better refund policies for a membership fee of $30 annually. This is a great way for Group to reward their regular customers and differentiate those Group users from one-time or new users. Group Rewards is a loyalty program that allows merchants to reward Group customers for repeat coupon purchases for their specific business. For example, if a customer uses Group to purchase Spinney coupons, Spinney can reward that specific customer after he or she purchases a set number of coupons (as predetermined by Spinney). This initiative will help increase customer loyalty through rewards.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Biography of Annie Jump Cannon, Classifier of Stars
Biography of Annie Jump Cannon, Classifier of Stars Annie Jump Cannon (December 11, 1863–April 13, 1941) was an American astronomer whose work in star cataloging led to the development of modern star classification systems. Along with her groundbreaking work in astronomy, Cannon was a suffragist and activist for women’s rights. Fast Facts: Annie Jump Cannon Known For: American astronomer who created the modern star classification system and broke ground for women in astronomyBorn: December 11, 1863 in Dover, DelawareDied: April 13, 1941 in Cambridge, MassachusettsSelected Honors: Honorary doctorates from University of Groningen (1921) and Oxford University (1925), Henry Draper Medal (1931), Ellen Richards Prize (1932), National Womens Hall of Fame (1994)Notable Quote: Teaching man his relatively small sphere in the creation, it also encourages him by its lessons of the unity of Nature and shows him that his power of comprehension allies him with the great intelligence over-reaching all. Early Life Annie Jump Cannon was the eldest of three daughters born to Wilson Cannon and his wife Mary (neà ¨ Jump). Wilson Cannon was a state senator in Delaware, as well as a ship builder. It was Mary who encouraged Annie’s education from the very start, teaching her the constellations and encouraging her to pursue her interests in science and math. Throughout Annie’s childhood, mother and daughter stargazed together, using old textbooks to identify and map out the stars they could see from their own attic. Sometime during her childhood or young adulthood, Annie suffered major hearing loss, possibly due to scarlet fever. Some historians believe she was hard of hearing from childhood onward, while others suggest that she was already a young adult in her post-college years when she lost her hearing. Her hearing loss reportedly made it difficult for her to socialize, so Annie immersed herself more completely in her work. She never married, had children, or had publicly known romantic attachments. Annie attended Wilmington Conference Academy (known today as Wesley College) and excelled, particularly in math. In 1880, she began studying as Wellesley College, one of the best American colleges for women, where she studied astronomy and physics. She graduated as valedictorian in 1884, then returned home to Delaware. Teacher, Assistant, Astronomer In 1894, Annie Jump Cannon suffered a major loss when her mother Mary died. With home life in Delaware becoming more difficult, Annie wrote to her former professor at Wellesley, the physicist and astronomer Sarah Frances Whiting, to ask if she had any job openings. Whiting obliged and hired her as a junior-level physics teacher- which also enabled Annie to continue her education, taking graduate-level courses in physics, spectroscopy, and astronomy. To continue pursuing her interests, Annie needed access to a better telescope, so she enrolled at Radcliffe College, which had a special arrangement with nearby Harvard to have professors give their lectures both at Harvard and Radcliffe. Annie gained access to the Harvard Observatory, and in 1896, she was hired by its director, Edward C. Pickering, as an assistant. Pickering hired several women to assist him on his major project: completing the Henry Draper Catalogue, an extensive catalogue with the goal of mapping and defining every star in the sky (up to a photographic magnitude of 9). Funded by Anna Draper, Henry Draper’s widow, the project took up significant manpower and resources. Creating a Classification System Soon into the project, a disagreement arose over how to classify the stars they were observing. One woman on the project, Antonia Maury (who was Draper’s niece) argued for a complex system, while another colleague, Williamina Fleming (who was Pickering’s chosen supervisor) wanted a simple system. It was Annie Jump Cannon who figured out a third system as a compromise. She divided stars into the spectral classes O, B, A, F, G, K, M- a system which is still taught to astronomy students today. Annie’s first catalog of stellar spectra was published in 1901, and her career accelerated from that point on. She received a master’s degree in 1907 from Wellesley College, completing her studies from years earlier. In 1911, she became the Curator of Astronomical Photographs at Harvard, and three years later, she became an honorary member of the Royal Astronomical Society in the U.K. Despite these honors, Annie and her female colleagues were often criticized for working, rather than being housewives, and were often underpaid for long hours and tedious work. Regardless of criticism, Annie persisted, and her career flourished. In 1921, she was among the first women to receive an honorary doctorate from a European university when the Dutch university Groningen University awarded her an honorary degree in math and astronomy. Four years later, she was awarded an honorary doctorate by Oxford – making her the first woman to receive an honorary doctorate of science from the elite university. Annie also joined the suffragist movement, advocating for women’s rights and, specifically, the extension of the right to vote; the right to vote for all women was finally won in 1928, eight years after the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920. Annie’s work was noted for being incredibly rapid and accurate. At her peak, she could classify 3 stars per minute, and she classified around 350,000 over the course of her career. She also discovered 300 variable stars, five novas, and one spectroscopic binary star. In 1922, the International Astronomical Union officially adopted Cannons stellar classification system; it is still used, with only minor changes, to this day. In addition to her work on classifications, she served as a sort of ambassador within the astronomy field, helping forge partnerships among colleagues. She assumed a similar role for the astronomy field’s public-facing work: she wrote books presenting astronomy for public consumption, and she represented professional women at the 1933 World’s Fair. Retirement and Later Life Annie Jump Cannon was named the William C. Bond Astronomer at Harvard University in 1938. She remained in that position before retiring in 1940 at the age of 76. Despite being officially retired, however, Annie continued to work in the observatory. In 1935, she created the Annie J. Cannon Prize to honor women’s contributions to the field of astronomy. She continued to help women gain a foothold and gain respect in the scientific community, leading by example while also lifting up the work of fellow women in science. Annie’s work was continued by some of her colleagues. Most notably, the famous astronomer Cecilia Payne was one of Annie’s collaborators, and she used some of Annie’s data to support her groundbreaking work that determined that stars are composed primarily of hydrogen and helium. Annie Jump Cannon died on April 13, 1941. Her death came after a long illness and hospitalization. In honor of her countless contributions to astronomy, the American Astronomical Society presents an annual award named for her- the Annie Jump Cannon Award- to female astronomers whose work has been especially distinguished. Sources Des Jardins, Julie. The Madame Curie Complex- The Hidden History of Women in Science. New York: Feminist Press, 2010.Mack, Pamela (1990). Straying from their orbits: Women in astronomy in America. In Kass-Simon, G.; Farnes, Patricia; Nash, Deborah. Women of Science: Righting the Record. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990.Sobel, Dava. The Glass Universe: How the Ladies of the Harvard Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars. Penguin: 2016.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Neo Liberalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Neo Liberalism - Essay Example There are many problems that it has introduced, but has been unable to provide answers. There had been mixed reactions as some of the happenings had been good and some of them were unpleasant. Dictatorships had been giving way to liberalism and this is definitely a positive step in the right direction. How long it might last, one cannot answer today. There exists another fear that Neo liberalism could widen the gap between the poor and rich. It is felt that World Bank, Inter American Development Bank and International Monetary Fund like powerful monetary institutions have imposed a situation of reducing profit rates felicitating the corporate few who are in bad business ventures, to revive their economic position. "Neo-liberalism is a response to a dual crisis that emerged in the mid-1970s for the ruling class. On the one hand capitalists faced a 'crisis of accumulation' - the capitalist system was stagnating and profits had fallen from the rates achieved immediately after the Second World War. Secondly, a rising tide of workers' struggle in the 1960s and 1970s posed a threat to the political power of the ruling elite" It is difficult to guess if Neo liberalism would bring the same future to all cities, or the result would be diverse in accordance with the city. But we can make very clear assumptions that it would definitely make the cities look and feel alike. There is a suggestion that the growth of cities is connected with the growth rate of national economy and most of the economic activities are focussed in the cities. "Indeed by the end of the 1980s the World Bank claimed that over half of all GDP in the greater majority of developing countries could be traced to urban areas", (Allen, 1999, p.248). The link between cities, particularly the cities in the developing countries, is a new one. As there had never been anything sweeping the earth the way globalisation did, it is understandable. No doubt, at one time, Imperialism ruled the world, but compared to the all-pervasive nature of neo-liberalism, effects of Imperialism were remote, and were limited to the particular colonies, even though there was a great impact on world trade and business. It lacked the power and all-grabbing tendencies of today's financial and marketing institutions. "The ideological persuasion exerted increasingly by these and other institutions mirrors the types of influence at work at the level of the global economy" (Allen, p.248). It has made the Governments to take a different view of their cities and attend to all needs of the cities mainly with the intention of fitting them into the global network, so that they could be showcased as their trophies and achievements of Neo liberalism. Some thinkers, economists and sociologists are of the opinion that cities should be limited and their unbridled growth should be curbed. They say this without taking into consideration the importance of cities in history or their current position as significant players economically, socially and politically. Another assumption is that the role of markets and economic institutions and their reforms are compatible with the city life of the inhabitants. Persisting doubt is if macroeconomic policies and regulations would be sufficient for the growth of the cities.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Teachnology and Business Management Research Paper
Teachnology and Business Management - Research Paper Example In the first part is presented the definition of BPM and its road-map. After is presented the definition of information technology . By introducing the main characteristics of the IT is shown how IT can enable the BPM. Finally will be presented a real case-study of a BPM solution implementation. Technology and Business Management Today’s organizations are confronted with the need of improving the business management. Under these conditions, the traditional management approaches that focus on financial figures are being substituted for new and more developed practices. The performance is related to the efficiency of an organization to meet their goals. With the evolution it?s expected to develop practices that reduce the errors by improving standardization and automation of the activities. The Business Performance Management appears as a very developed approach. It’s important to understand how the technology can enable this practice. The choice of the proper tool and te chnology in a BPM solution is critical to the success of the operation. The improvements related to the information technologies seems to serve and meet the BPM goals. The main purpose of this article is to prove how IT enables the BPM. How the report will achieve the purpose? The report will provide a summary of BPM definition and goals; After will be presented the BPM road-map in order to prove how closely the BPM process is within the automation process; After proving this, is presented the IT definition; After is shown how the IT and BPM converges into similar lines; Finally is presented a case-study. Business Performance Management ( BPM) A business process is a set of activities which are defined in order to reach a specific organizational goal. The Business performance management (BPM) is a systematic approach of the Business management. The main goals of BPM are: reduce human error and miscommunication, focus stakeholders on the requirements of their roles and on making an o rganization's workflow more effective, more efficient and more capable of adapting to an ever-changing environment. In general BPM is developed within three types of frameworks: Vertical, Horizontal and Full-service BPM. Horizontal BPM is related to the the development of business process and the technology application. On the other hand the Vertical BPM is focused on coordinating of a specific set of activities. The Full-service BPM deals with five basic tasks: process discovering, process modeling, business procedures, workflow and finally testing. BPM is several times linked within the information technology(IT) and it has increased the demand for IT services. The concern with the business process optimization is not recent. It has been developed since the industrial revolution. In the last decade the notion of business process optimization is intrinsically related to the BPM. The BPM provides flexible business process therefore the business process became dynamic and adaptable w hen confronted with changes. The BPM is a powerful tool for an organization. It promotes the continuous operational improvement and the cost reduction cost through continued process improvement and automation. The main difference between BPM and traditional process management approaches is the focus on customer value. The main goals of a BPM solution are related to the optimization and automation of the process outcomes, the rapid response to a business event, delivery ( in real-time) new
Friday, January 24, 2020
Saboteur :: essays research papers
Analysts are still studying whether the two strips of cloth called gap filler that are poking out from the bottom of the orbiter could cause uneven heating during re-entry that may constitute a threat to the craft and crew, the mission's lead flight director, Paul Hill, said in a press briefing this morning. If the analysts decide that the gap fillers do pose a threat, he said, the mission manager may call for a risky spacewalk and repair maneuver in which astronauts try to pull the tough material the rest of the way out, push it in or cut it off. Mr. Hill said a spacewalk repair was not likely but that his engineers and analysts were looking closely at the issue and that he could not rule one out. Gap fillers, as their name implies, fill the gaps that NASA leaves between some shuttle tiles to allow for expansion and contraction of the shuttle's body from the extremes of heat and cold that it is exposed to. The fillers themselves are heat resistant, and are made of alumina-borosilicate fiber. Having gap filler poke its way out up from between tiles is not uncommon, but it could be a concern because it causes an uneven surface and can lead to unusual patterns of heating during re-entry. If a filler pokes out too much, especially if it is far forward on the shuttle so that its downstream heating affects a larger part of the shuttle's belly, it could be a problem, Mr. Hill said. NASA, through a long examination of all previous landings with protruding bits of gap filler, had found a comfort level with protrusions in the same areas that stick out a quarter of an inch, he said. But the two pieces on this flight are one inch and six-tenths of an inch, he said. This shuttle and the space station have been outfitted with more cameras and sensors than ever before, and so they might be detecting something that has happened many times in the past; it is possible that the feltlike material burns down during re-entry, and that longer protrusions have occurred in the past. But one quarter inch is within "our conventional wisdom," Mr. Hill said, and so the little strips of cloth have become an intense focus of aerodynamic analysis, he said. Aerodynamics experts have been studying the size and the position of the two gap filler protrusions, Mr.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Renminbi Our Currency, Is It Your Problem
China’s Renminbi: â€Å"Our currency, Your Problem†? China in the last century has gone through many dramatic changes. 35 years ago there would not even be talk about China’s currency because under Mao ZeDeng all trading with China had to be through the British colony of Hong Kong. Now China has opened up its economy and allowed many companies to privatize. The problem facing China and U. S. relations revolve mostly around two main elements; trade deficit, and currecy.The most important cultural aspect which must always be in the back of one’s mind is that China is still under a communist rule, meaning that the government has more control of businesses and industries then many of the countries which the US handles trades. At the moment, the American government has made it clear that it has concerns about the Chinese government interfering with its currency, specifically undervaluation the . Under a new law that was passed in 2011, if a countrie’s c urrency is determined to be a â€Å"currency manipulator†then the Obama administration can take legal action against China. Chinese officials†¦ threatened a trade war†[1] when they learned that the United States Congress was trying to pass this bill. This is a small example of the tensions between the US and China because of currency. If there were to be a revaluation of the Yuan, which would lead to an appreciation of the currency there will be major effects in China’s business. China is a country where 33% of its GDP (2012) is manufacturing, the highest in the world. [2] Most of their manufacturing comes from foreign companies who move their plants to China to produce goods at a lower cost.This lower cost comes from the exchange rate between these Western countries and China, which favor the developed countries. With China’s currency stronger, these developed countries get less money for their currency, thus making goods more expensive. Consequentl y on the other side, goods produced outside China, like in Germany or the United States would be less expansive then before the revaluation. With the cost of manufacturing increasing, China may lose business with all these foreign companies whose reason for moving manufacturing in China was lower costs.Another problem that China will face with an appreciated Yuan is the effect it will have on the Chinese US treasury bonds. Along with the huge trade deficit, China holds a lot of US treasury bonds, because when China’s market was first opened up, many of the Chinese believed America to always be stable. With the low interest rate and the appreciation of the Yuan, China will not be making as much, if any, off of the bonds. Once more and more Chinese begin to figure that out, less will buy US treasury Bonds.Since China owns a majority of US debt, if China stops buying debt from the US then the US will lose a huge intake of cash flow. [3] With a revaluation of the Yuan, many goods that are made in China will increase in price. This will cause some companies that produce low-cost products, to move their manufacturing to countries that are cheaper to do business with. Meanwhile, with a growing middle class in China, more will be able to afford goods that for example, are made in America, thus, exporting to China will be cheaper.This change in trading may help with the US and China trade deficit; even though there will still be a deficit because of the bonds China holds, it will be more balanced then before. With regards to imports and exports in China, a revaluation should cause the goods from Western countries to be cheaper in China; however, China has a double taxation on luxury items. For brands like Nike, they will not be more expensive, but for brands like Ralph Lauren, Cartier, Channel, their products will be even more expensive because the Chinese government will tax them again more heavily, in order to try to promote their own luxury brands.Since most of these Western countries produce high luxury goods, this is not good news. With a raising upper and middle class, there are more Chinese who can afford these goods, but because of the governments’ double taxation, they are still making these products unaffordable. [4] Japan’s relationships with the western countries will increase if there is a revaluation of the Yuan, but it will hinder the relationship between China and Japan. Japan also manufactures some of its products in China so that it can also produce products at a lower cost.Also, many companies have manufacturing in Japan because it is easier to ship products from China and finish the final product in Japan because it is geographically closer, and therefore cheaper. Japan has also been running a deficit with China since 1995, and China became the number one trading partner in Japan. An appreciation of the Yuan will make goods in Japan more expensive. [5] However, without regards to the appreciating Yuan the new President in China, Xi Jinping, Japan and China relations are to forecasted to become stronger. For some countries, an appreciation of the Yuan is beneficial.For NIE’s and developing countries, they are now beginning to look favorable to western companies that wish to produce goods at a cheaper cost. Countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, and Bangladesh will look favorable because manufacturing in these countries will be cheap and their currencies are more favorable to western countries. For workers in China an appreciation in Yuan will be good for the migrant workers who flock to the coastal cities to work at these lower paying jobs. Their money is now worth more and will allow them to buy more products that are not made in China.With an appreciation, more manufacturing will be leaving china, and therefore taking jobs away from China, so an appreciation is a double edged sword for the workers of China. Generally speaking, exports for manufacturing goods will be lower, and Ch ina may start importing from other countries for low cost goods. Imports for goods made in Western countries will increase. Since China has been working on their IT industry, China does have a saving grace. Lenovo is now the number one computer manufacturer in the world. Many businesses in Asia are buying more and more of Chinas software and information technology.The exports for It will increase. All of these assumptions are only taking into consideration for the appreciation of the Yuan. There are other factors that go into cheap manufacturing like purchasing power parity, cost of labor and supply chain. Many other supporting industry companies have gone to China to make it easier to produce goods. If manufacturing were to move to other countries, these other industries and companies would also have to move. There is one other element that is important to consider, that the Yuan is not as undervalued as the US government claims.After joining the WTO, China had to agree to complete ly give up control of the banks by the end of December 11th 2011. With this bank reform, China has less control over manipulating their currency. According to Eswar Prasad at Cornell University, the IMF will have a difficult time creating a strong case the Yuan is undervalued. â€Å"All of the relevant indicators, the currency account and trade surpluses, the pace of reserve accumulation and the exchange rate itself have moved in the direction of suggestion the Yuan is no longer much undervalued,†. 6] There is no doubt that the Yuan is going to continue to appreciate, however it is becoming more and more apparent that the currency is not being as manipulated as it was before. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Favole, Jared A. , and Ian Talley. â€Å"Obama Urges Caution on RMB Bill. †Wall Street Journal [New York] 7-8 Oct. 2011, World Business sec. : 6. Print. [2] â€Å"Investing and Economics Blog. †Manufacturing Output as a Percent of GDP by Country at Curious Cat. Curious Cat, n. d. Web. 07 Feb. 2013. [3] Busch, Anton. â€Å"Why Does China Buy U. S. Debt? †EHow.Demand Media, 26 Nov. 2008. Web. 07 Feb. 2013. Daily, Jing. â€Å"Price Still â€Å"Biggest Obstacle†for Luxery Items in Beijing. †Jing Daily. Jing Daily, 14 Sept. 2010. Web. [4] Xing, YuQing. â€Å"Japan's Unique Economic Relaions with China. †East Asia Policy. Page 56, n. d. http://www. eai. nus. edu. sg/Vol1No1_XingYuqing. pdf [5] Talley, Ian â€Å"IMF to Review Whether Yuan Is Undervalued†Wall Stree-$Tâ€â€? E ¦Ã‚ §?  ©? IU? u8uy Z x z o ? E 6 F ? †¹ ? ? ? A ? `e{|MZ[_o[pic]-.  «OU0 ±uou? ueuaaaUaUaaUaaUOuOOIEIaIEA a? a?  µ?  µ? t Journal [New York] 30, Jan. 2012, World News: Asia. : 3. Print
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
A Study On Ecosystem Profile - 1868 Words
Part A: Ecosystem Profile On the 10th and 11th of August, Year 11 Biology students from Trinity Lutheran College went on a fieldwork excursion to monitor the quality of water in the surrounding ecosystems of 3 lakes in the Gold Coast region. Aquatic ecosystems are an integral part of our environment and play an important role in maintaining the quality of water. The quality of water is important in lakes because it doesn’t just protect the health of the public but it also provides ecosystem habitats, contributes to recreation and tourism and is used for fishing, mining and farming. It’s essential to measure the quality frequently so biotic and abiotic features are surviving in a sustainable ecology. If the quality isn’t maintained, not only will the environment suffer but the recreational and commercial value of water resources will also reduce (NSW Environment and Heritage, 2014). Water quality is measured using different tests to investigate the pH, temperature, salinity, suspended solids, light penetration, nitrates and phosphates. pH The pH of water is a measure of its degree of acidity or alkalinity (Biology Textbook). Its scale has a minimum of 0 and maximum of 14. The higher the number the more basic it is, the lower the number, the more acidic it is. A pH of 7 is considered to be neutral. The pH of water determines the biological availability and solubility of chemical components including nutrients and heavy metals (Department of Ecology, n/d).Show MoreRelatedEnvironmental Risk Assessment931 Words  | 4 Pagesthe risk. Reviewing data on sources, stressors, effects, and ecosystem and receptor characteristics helps to develop endpoints and conceptual models that are used to complete an analysis plan (2002). 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